The StatSoft Poland team, working with external research consultants have in-depth knowledge of the applications of data analysis and data mining in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. That knowledge is supported with extensive experience gained while implementing a number of research and analytical projects. This enables us to offer professional assistance at all stages of research projects.
We provide support/advice in the scope of choosing statistical methods, planning empirical research and performing statistical analyses, as well as designing quality assurance systems. The level of our involvement in the analysis process depends on the customer’s needs and preferences: StatSoft Poland can perform the entire statistical analysis or we can do it together with the customer, so that our consultant only helps them solve the most complex analytical issues and indicate where to look for solutions. We can also provide assistance in the form of workshops, during which the customer learns about statistical methods while examining their own data and solving problems that are of interest to them.
While working on the customer’s project we precisely adjust the scope and degree of analyses performed to the customer’s needs and the nature of empirical data provided.
Areas of consultation
- Design of experiments in R&D activity
- Process optimisation based on historical data
- Process validation and ongoing process verification
- Environmental monitoring/trending
- Product stability testing
- Determination of measurement uncertainty
- Offline and online statistical process control
- Clinical trials